As various aspects of the concept of Time are brought in this site into correlation with the ATS, the presented results are divided into parts, one per page, so that the number of a page reflects its logical order of precedence. The text of each part is stored as a Zipped Word file and is accompanied by the references to the published articles Each Part uses the same list of REFERENCES Alongside, with the labels A, B, C, D the site pages are divided into four levels of similarity: A – the description of the Auric Time Scale (ATS) presenting the essence of the considered approach; B – these pages use the ATS in the study of Terrestrial and Solar System periods, chronology and 11-year Solar cycles; C – on these pages the appropriate Ancient Wisdom, or Theosophical, concepts and artefacts of Egypt are correlated with the results obtained at levels A and B; D – here, the models of the current influence of the Sun-Earth position, Solar activity and comets is described irrespective of the results of levels A – C, but in comparison with them. You may freely reprint and host any text of this site by supplying it with the proper reference. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author expresses his deep gratitude to the ISAR’s Board and, personally, to Marguerite dar Boggia, to the AA of GB and, personally, to Peta High, and to Prof. Igor Ruban for their assistance in realizing this research ANNOTATIONTHE HIDDEN POWER OF THE GOLDEN SECTION AND SOLAR CYCLES IN NATURE, SOCIETY, EGYPTIAN AND MAYAN ARTEFACTS© Sergey Smelyakov KEYWORDS Solar Cycle, Golden Section, Time, Solar Activity, Solar Maxima, Tchijevsky, Period, Planets, Terrestrial Phenomena Periods, Model, Auric Time Scale, Mayan Calendar, Esotery, Blavatsky, Pyramidology, Great Pyramid, King's Chamber, Great Sphinx, Ankh This work is devoted to the study of those aspects of Time which can be revealed numerically. This does not mean that the author objects to esoteric considerations, but to pure speculations, since it will be shown that the Ancient artefacts do give grounds to the numerical analysis. Firstly, an overview of explicit Solar activity effects is given, which is followed by the analysis of criteria and source data which are used in numerical description of Solar cycles (Part 0), and the required mathematical concepts are defined, which form the foundation of the Auric Time Scale (ATS), the principal core of which is specified by the Golden section power series with the time unity equal to the average 11-year Solar cycle length (Part 1). On these grounds it is shown that the terms of the ATS coincide with the bulk of the basic periods in nature and society (from seconds to dozens of millennia) that were known (e.g. the planetary ones) or revealed in economy, biology, geology, Solar cycles and other applications, but were not co-coordinated within any conceptual system. In this sense the ATS presents the structure of the basic periods in Nature and society (Part 2). After then, it is shown that the finite part of the same ATS describes the "Evolutional" Time as the sequence of periods of decreasing duration so that the major events occur within the vicinities of the separation epochs between the successive intervals of lesser and lesser length. A synchronism was established between these epochs being defined by the Mayan Calendar and the most prominent events in Nature and society for the last 13 millennia. This way, the ATS might be likened to the Auric Spiral of Time, the turns of which, as fractals, are better described by the Aurically structured trends, whereas at each turn the phenomena are more adequately seen via the harmonic cycles of equal duration, unless this spiral approaches the point of bifurcation (Part 3). By coming back to the Solar activity, it is shown that the deviations of the Solar cycle energy emission centers from the equally-spaced time-benchmarks are also distributed by the ATS terms. The consistency of this Regular model, as the stable substitute for the Solar maxima, is confirmed by the estimates which show that the accuracy of the obtained correlations corresponds to the source data precision, whereas the probability of randomness of these correlations makes about 10-14 (Part 4). Further on, in addition to the analysis of the "explicit" manifestations of Solar cycles, their "implicit" influence is considered that was revealed by Alexander Tchijevsky who proved that the Solar cycles "modulate" the intensity of social processes. As his works are almost inaccessible in English, or are sometimes retold incorrectly, a biography and resume of his basic work on this subject are also presented (Part 5). After then, a synopsis of the Esoteric meaning of the Solar cycles and geometrical Scale of Time is given (Part 6) for subsequent correlation with the artefacts of Egypt and the current epoch. Further to the Mayan calendar and Theosophical concepts, a quantitative analysis reveals a coordinated system of relations pertaining to the basic elements of the ATS in the properties of the basic artefacts of Egypt (the Great Pyramid and its King's Chamber, the Ankh, the Great Sphinx). In particular, these are the acknowledged value of the average length of the 11-year Solar cycle, T0=11.07 years, the Golden section and its powers, as well as the Golden section T0 By using the principle of analogy a Solar System Zodiac (SZ), viz. a geometric structure being similar to the Tropical Zodiac (TZ), is obtained which correlates the planes through which the external influence is exerted and the internal interaction/redistribution of influence is carried out, and, at the same time, is tuned to the basic Galactic elements. Comparing these two Zodiacs shows that the SZ origin (viz. ^SZ) ingresses to the TZ Capricorn (and vice versa) at the Spring Equinox of 1999; with account of the source data error, this event takes place within the period of July 1991 - March 2006. With respect to the conventional approach, an ingression of the TVP to some sign means the beginning of a new age named after this sign. The more so, a “double” ingression of the SZ and TZ origins to the signs of Capricorn has to mean that the year of 1999 is to be considered the symbolic beginning of the New Age, while the interval of 1991-2006 – a transient process of transferring to this Age, the Age of Capricorn. This situation specifies not only a symbolic outpouring of powerful flow of Galactic energies through the coincided cardinal points; the observations make us conclude that the global reorganization and transformation of the Earth’s physical and evolutional trends are taking place now, in front of our very eyes. They are caused both by the direct outer Space influence, and intra-Solar-System interaction and energy redistribution through the miraculously synchronized Solar activity surges, comets and explicit planetary electrical interactions (Part 8). The last, but not least is the following: it is shown that the global changes in the physical state of the planet and world wide trends in all spheres of social life being associated with the SZ-TZ correlation are also accompanied and intensified by the "sporadic" Space heralds – the visible comets which have been arriving in the vicinity of the Earth since 1996; it is important, that their trajectories are well-synchronized and, as a statistical analysis shows, they stipulate intensification of natural calamities, damages to technical objects, and disturbances in the specified spheres of social life, including the military conflicts in Israel and Yugoslavia, September 11 attack and other acts of terrorism, epidemics, etc. (Part 9). So we see that the ATS based on the Golden section power series with the unity equal to the average Solar cycle length defines, on the one hand, the global structure of periods for the Solar System and Terrestrial phenomena, and, on the other hand, the compressed evolutional time converging to the current epoch. From the viewpoint of the Ancient knowledge, this statement is supported by the Theosophical concepts, as well as by the structure and dating of the Mayan calendar and by the numerical and geographical parameters of the basic artefacts of Egypt. Similarly, the results of the present-day analysis of the Earth orientation, Solar cycles, cometary effects and other Space factors of influence are in concordance with the above conclusions. Co-ordination of all these heterogeneous concepts gives us the best confirmation of their trustworthiness. YOU MAY FREELY REPRINT AND HOST THIS MATERIAL BY REFERRING TO Sergey Smelyakov. Mathematical Background of the Auric Time Scale (ATS) C O N T E N T SPART 0. CURRENT AND CYCLIC MANIFESTATIONS OF SOLAR ACTIVITY0.1. INTRODUCTION 0.2. BASIC MANIFESTATIONS OF SOLAR ACTIVITY 0.2.1. Continuous Manifestations of SA 0.2.2. Sporadic Manifestations of SA 0.2.3. Explicit Solar-Terrestrial Effects 0.3. DESCRIPTION OF SOLAR CYCLES 0.3.1. Criteria and Source Data 0.3.2. Prediction of Solar Cycles 0.4. IMPLICIT SOLAR-TERRESTRIAL CYCLIC EFFECTS (Numerical Interaction models) 0.5. CONCLUSIONS AND STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM PART 1. MATHEMATICAL BACKGROUND OF THE AURIC TIME SCALE (ATS) 1.1. INTRODUCTION 1.2. AN INTERDISCIPLINARY CONCEPT OF SYNCHRONISM AND RESONANCE 1.2.1. Esoteric Approach 1.2.2. Numerical Approach 1.2.3. Statistical Approach 1.3. AURIC TIME SCALE (ATS) 1.4. THRESHOLD ERROR ANALYSIS 1.5. STABLE ESTIMATE OF THE AVERAGE SOLAR CYCLE LENGTH AND ITS ACCURACY 1.5.1. Stable Estimate for the Average Solar Cycle Length 1.5.2. Selection of source data for estimating the average length of Solar cycle PART 2. ATS AS ALGEBRAIC STRUCTURE OF THE BASIC PERIODS IN NATURE AND SOCIETY 2.1. INTRODUCTION 2.2. BASIC SOURCE DATA AND FORMULATION OF THE PROBLEM 2.2.1. Solar Activity Parameters 2.2.2. Comet, Asteroid Belt and the Main Solar System Periods 2.2.3. Formulation of the Problem: How to correlate the periods 2.3. ATS: ALGEBRAIC STRUCTURE OF SOLAR SYSTEM AND TERRESTRIAL PERIODS 2.3.1. Solar-planetary synchronism in the light of Natural Harmonics 2.3.2. Solar System periods in the light of -harmonics 2.3.3. ATS Hypothesis 2.4. VERIFICATION OF THE ATS HYPOTHESIS ON THE BASIS OF ITS SYNCHRONISM WITH THE TERRESTRIAL PERIODS 2.4.1. The Main Bands of Auric Periods 2.4.2. ATS vs. the System of Most Reliable Solar and Terrestrial Cycles 2.4.3. ATS as a clock cycle of brain waves Resume of Sec. 2.4. 2.5. VERIFICATION OF THE ATS RELYING ON MYTHOLOGY: The Heavenly Bodies and their Earthy Images 2.6. ATS IN MUSIC OF SPHERES 2.7. CONCLUSIONS PART 3. AURIC TIME SCALE AS A STRUCTURE OF EVOLUTIONAL TIME 3.1. INTRODUCTION 3.2. GENERAL APPROACH TO VERIFICATION OF THE HYPOTHESIS ON ATS RELATIVE TO EVOLUTIONAL TIME 3.3. ATS: THE BENCHMARKS OF EVOLUTIONAL TIME 3.3.1. Auric properties of the Mayan Calendar 3.3.2. The Basic Auric Separation Epochs of the Mayan Calendar 3.4. POPULATION OF CHINA AS INDICATOR OF WORLD TRENDS 3.4.1. China Census Data 3.4.2. Functional Model of Population of China 3.4.3. Bifurcation Points as the Limits of Demographic Trends 3.5. THE BASIC SYNCHRONISTIC TABLE 3.6. THE CORRELATIONS FOR THE CURRENT EPOCH 3.6.1. Cosmogeneous and Global Geophysical Phenomena 3.6.2. The Synchronism Between the Most Destructive Earthquakes on record and the Auric Epochs of the Mayan Calendar 3.6.3. The Synchronism between the Epochs of Origination of the World Doctrines and Auric Epochs of the Mayan Calendar 3.7. CONCLUSIONS PART 4. ATS-BASED REGULAR DISTRIBUTION OF SOLAR CYCLE ENERGY EMISSION CENTERS 4.1. INTRODUCTION 4.2. REGULAR MODEL OF SUNSPOT ACTIVITY MAXIMA DISTRIBUTION 4.3. BASIC PROPERTIES OF THE REGULAR MODEL 4.3.1. Statistical testing of the Direct and Regular models 4.3.2. Numerical properties of the Regular model 4.3.3. Regular model and intense surges of Solar activity 4.4. ETA CARINAE – A MASTER-CLOCK FOR THE SOLAR CYCLES ? 4.5. RESUME TO SECTIONS 4.1 – 4.4 4.6. MEDIAN AS A SOLAR CYCLE ENERGY EMISSION CENTER 4.6.1. Definition of Solar cycle median 4.6.2. Stability of median 4.6.3. Medians for Zurich series 4.7 REGULAR MODEL FOR SOLAR CYCLE MEDIANS (RMM) 4.8. STATISTICAL AND ERROR-BOUND ANALYSIS OF THE REGULAR MODEL FOR MEDIANS 4.8.1. Statistical analysis of Regular Model 4.8.2. Error-bound analysis of RMM. 4.9. RMM CLUSTERS, OR MYSTIC RECURRENCE OF SOLAR CYCLE CENTRES 4.10. CONCLUSIONS PART 5. TCHIJEVSKY'S DISCLOSURE: HOW THE SOLAR CYCLES MODULATE THE HISTORY 5.1. PHYSICAL FACTORS OF THE HISTORICAL PROCESS: Tchijevsky's Summary to the booklet 5.2. PHYSICAL FACTORS OF THE HISTORICAL PROCESS: Illustrations 5.3. A SKETCH ON SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY OF ALEXANDER TCHIJEVSKY 5.4. THE GOLDEN SECTION DISTRIBUTION OF SIGNIFICANT HISTORICAL EVENTS OVER THE SOLAR CYCLES PART 6. ESOTERIC SIGNIFICANCE OF SOLAR CYCLES 6.1. INTRODUCTION 6.2. A SYNOPSIS OF THE ESOTERIC CONCEPTS RELATIVE TO THE SOLAR CYCLES 6.3. ESOTERIC CONCEPTS RELATIVE TO THE GEOMETRICAL SCALE OF TIME ÏÐÈËÎÆÅÍÈÅ 6.À. ÑÅÌÅÐÈ×ÍÀß ÏÐÈÐÎÄÀ ×ÅËÎÂÅÊÀ  ÝÇÎÒÅÐÈÊÅ È ÀÑÒÐÎËÎÃÈÈ Àííîòàöèÿ ×àñòü 1. Âçàèìîäåéñòâèå ÷åëîâåêà ñ îêðóæàþùåé ñðåäîé ×àñòü 2. Ýâîëþöèÿ ÷åëîâåêà ×àñòü 3. Ïëàíåòàðíûå è Çîäèàêàëüíûå âëèÿíèÿ íà ÷åëîâåêà PART 7. SOLAR CYCLES AND ATS IN THE ARTEFACTS OF EGYPT 7.1. THE MYSTERY OF THE ARTEFACTS OF EGYPT 7.1.1. An Outline of Esoteric Roots of the Great Pyramid 7.1.2. Modern studies of the Great Pyramid 7.1.3. An Outline of Esotery and Geometry of the Ankh 7.2. THE PLATFORM FOR STUDYING OF THE EGYPTIAN ARTEFACTS 7.3. REGULAR AND CONCAVE PYRAMID MODELS 7.3.1. The Great Pyramid Analysis Criteria 7.3.2. Form Ratio Certificate of the Great Pyramid Resume 7.3.2 7.3.3. Geographical Certificate of the Great Pyramid Resume 7.3.3 Resume 7.3 7.4. HOW THE SUN ILLUMINATES THE GREAT PYRAMID 7.4.1. Introduction 7.4.2. The Solar Culminations which are Critical to Illumination of the GP 7.4.3. Mathematical Constants in the Critical Culminations of the Sun Resume 7.4 7.5. HOW THE GREAT PYRAMID POINTS TO THE GREAT SPHINX 7.5.1. Introduction 7.5.2. Relative position of the Main Giza Complex Constructions 7.5.3. Leo Points to the Lion Resume 7.5 7.6. TIME & SPACE: ATS IN THE EXTERIOR OF THE GREAT PYRAMID 7.6.1. Great Pyramid: Primal units of Time and Space and their "Terrestrial" Correlates 7.6.2. Great Pyramid: Primal units of Time and Space and their "Extra-Terrestrial" Correlates 7.6.3. Great Pyramid: Primal Numbers and their Correlates Resume 7.6 7.7. THE GEOMETRY OF THE ANKH 7.7.1. The "Primal" Ankh 7.7.2. The Delineated Ankh as the image of the Engraved Ankhs 7.7.3. The Geometry of the Delineated Ankh Resume 7.7 7.8. THE ATS AND THE ANKH IN THE GEOMETRY OF THE KING'S CHAMBER 7.8.1. The Basic Dimensions of the King's Chamber 7.8.2. The King's Chamber, the Ankh, and the Sarcophagus 7.8.3. The King's Chamber and the Auric Time Scale Resume 7. 8 7.9. CONCLUSIONS PART 8. THE EARTH AT THE SIGHT OF THE SOLAR ZODIAC SECTION 1. THE TROPICAL VS. SIDEREAL ZODIAC 1.1. The Concept of the Tropical Zodiac 1.2. Weak Points of the “Eternal” Sidereal Zodiac 1.2.1. Precession of the Equinoxes and Wobbling of the Ecliptic 1.2.2. “Fixed” Stars 1.2.3. Geometry of Space Influence 1.2.4. Polar Shift and Action at a Distance 1.3. Preliminary Conclusions SECTION 2. THE SOLAR SYSTEM ZODIAC, SZ 2.1. The Concept of the SSZ 2.2. Solar System’s Position in the Galaxy 2.3. Basic Parameters of the Solar System’s Zodiac 2.4. SSZ in Reference to the TZ 2.5. What Influence Does the SSZ Exert on the Earth? SECTION 3. VERIFICATION OF THE SZ MODEL 3.1. General Considerations Hypothesis SZ-1 - the Age of Sagittarius is Terminating Hypothesis SZ-2 - The Age of Capricorn is Starting Hypothesis SZ-3 - The Special Mission of Aquarius 3.2. Esoterical & Astrophysical Verification of the Concept of SZ 3.3. The “Celestial Thunderbird”, Eta Carinae 3.3.1. Why is Eta Carinae Interesting? 3.3.2. The Effects a Flash of Supernova May Cause 3.3.3. Eta Carinae - a Master-Clock for the Solar Activity Cycles? 3.4. When Does the Platonic Year Start? 3.5. Synchronism of the Change-of-Ages Concepts 3.5.1. The Mayan Calendar and the Auric Time Scale 3.5.2. Comets and Solar Activity 3.5.3. The 11-year Solar Activity Cycles CONCLUSION Part 9. THE COMETS 9.1. COMET PAGE GUIDE 9.2. WHETHER THE COMET HALE-BOPP IS OPENING THE GATE TO THE FORTHCOMING DECADE? 9.3. THE HEAVENLY COLLEAGUES AND THEIR EARTHLY PURSUITS 9.4. NON-PLANETARY MUNDANE FACTORS OF INFLUENCE IN 2001 9.5. THE FOCUSES OF THE COMET HALE-BOPP – THE MAGIC SPECTACLES FOR SEEING THE MOSAIC OF THE MUNDANE TRENDS? 9.6. AN ASTROLOGICAL BACKGROUND OF THE ACUTE WORLD TRENDS 9.7. SUMMARY: TRACING OF THE COMET HALE-BOPP AND ITS SUCCESSORS' EFFECTS OVER THE PERIOD OF 1999 – 2006 |
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